Active Botanical Blemish Formula |
Acne can be very troublesome to deal with. It can cause not only embarrassment but also anxiety and stress which can lead your skin to break out even more.
Being able to manage your acne can be a total game changer, improving your confidence and opening you up to an entirely new range of possibilities when you are no longer concerned about your skin’s appearance. But what is the best acne treatment? How can you treat your acne in a way that is safe and healthy for your skin but quickly gets the results that you are looking for?
There are many different options available both over the counter and with skin care specialists and professional dermatologists. Knowing exactly how your skin is reacting and why can help to plan the exact treatment schedule for your and your acne in order to begin to remove the issue and reduce redness and scarring.
At Illuminate skin therapies in Calgary we offer various treatments and approaches to help you with dealing with acne. Our most popular treatment for acne is a specially formulated program that works over time and delivers effective results that will start to change the appearance of your skin immediately.
Remedy Rehab is an 8 week skincare programme designed to initiate the journey toward stabilizing acne and inflammation-prone complexions. This purifying, detoxifying and pigmentation-corrective protocol is meant to turn the page on acne and breakouts. Acute acne conditions and inflammation can be life changing, eliminating them can be transformational. During our careful consult, we will develop an understanding of your journey with inflamed skin; whether long or recent, Illuminate Skin Therapies is prepared to meet you where you’re at and initiate compassionate, lasting change.
When we combine thermal therapy and pigmentation therapy we start to see results that are lasting. lluminate Skin Therapies 1064 wavelength is incredibly popular, because it’s a “lunchtime” service, and there’s no downtime! Thermal Therapy is an unmatched detox modality that stimulates the body’s glow-promoting tendencies, because the body responds by kicking out toxicity that fosters a gradual dulling of skin and slow degeneration of tissue…This means skincare products will work more effectively too!
Combined with Illuminate Pigmentation Therapy using a 532 Q-switch wavelength to expertly treat the evidence of aging, sun and is one of the few technologies qualified to safely treat the hormonally-triggered and mysterious Melasma pigmentation…often referred to as a “pregnancy” mask or “butterfly” mask due to it’s characteristically symmetrical appearance.
Although this wavelength is a master in the treatment of brown and some reddish pigmentation, it doesn’t stop there! The 532 wavelength of our Q-switched laser effectively depletes degenerated outer layers of dead skin revealing new, fresh, healthy skin-all without downtime! The 532 is incredibly effective alone and trans formative when partnered with the glow-
boosting, detoxifying 1064 wavelength as a major player in Illuminate’s 8 week Remedy Rehab.
Contact us today to discuss your skincare requirements and learn how we can help with your acne treatment.
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