Tuesday, August 27, 2019

What Causes Pregnancy Mask? Does Pregnancy Mask Go Away?

Treating Melasma

Pregnancy mask can appear in pregnant women and the technical term for it is Melasma. 50-75% of pregnant women experience this, so if you suspect it is something you are developing, or already have, you are not alone. 

Hormones tend to go a little wild during pregnancy, resulting in various symptoms in the body. These can differ from mother to mother, and are in some cases more extreme than others, however, pregnancy mask is very common and although treatment can sometimes be a little challenging, at Illuminate Skin Therapies, we do offer treatments that can reduce and remove the appearance of pregnancy mask.
Pregnancy Mask or, Melasma is characterized by tan or brown patches on the face and commonly on the cheeks. When melasma occurs during pregnancy, typically during the second and third trimesters, pregnancy mask is the common term. 

Expecting mothers experience increased estrogen, progesterone, and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) levels resulting in this hyperpigmentation in some cases it is often untreatable. 

At Illuminate Skin Therapies, we offer a treatment for pregnancy mask that can reduce it’s appearance and in some cases remove it entirely. We use a combination of Revlite laser and fractional resurfacing. 
“The mask” can also target facial marks like moles and freckles causing them to become more pronounced. For example a facial mark you have had since childhood can go from being the colour of your skin to a much darker tone. 

Interestingly, the same chemicals that are responsible for melasma are responsible for the well-known linea negra that can be observed on the bellies of many women during pregnancy.

Who’s at risk?

Melasma is thought to be triggered by a combination of UV-ray exposure and hormones. Due to higher levels of darker pigment, it is more common in women of color and individuals with brown-based complexions.

Other triggers include: birth control use and hormonal therapies, particularly when an increase in estrogen is involved. Frequent exposure to heat and visible light and contribute to the spreading of this condition.

There are a few suggested natural remedies for Pregnancy Mask, including a change in diet, but changes that increase your intake of healthy foods and not limiting yourself at a time when your body needs all the healthy goodness it can get! Avoiding UV rays, being sure to use an SPF sunscreen or covering up when out in the direct sun.

At Illuminate Skin Therapies our Revlite Laser and fractional resurfacing treatments can reduce the appearance of Pregnancy Mask in a few simple steps. It will help to improve your self esteem and confidence in your appearance and keep you enjoying a natural healthy glow during your pregnancy. 

Fractional Resurfacing works in the following way. Ablative action is administered by delivery-controlled dermal injury to the skin through 81 pinpoint beams, which causes the body to respond by producing healthy, fresh cells in response to the thermal effects of the Er:YAG laser. 

The ablative fractional modality of our Er:YAG is the more impactful of the two fractional modalities due to the strategic and precise way this laser ablates the skin: ‘healing islands’ are created…This translates into minimal healing and downtime and maximum benefit. 

Fractional Resurfacing is incredibly effective producing substantial improvements to irregularity of pigment, laxity, texture, acne scars and pore size-all while stimulating neocollagenesis: the process of skin remodelling! Fractional benefits can be administered as a solitary therapy or during Illuminate Skin Therapies’ Radiance + Refine Complexion strategy!

*Mild discomfort is often experienced, topical numbing agent is applied to decrease sensitivity. 

Contact us today for a free consultation and to discuss your symptoms of pregnancy mask and learn how our experienced and friendly team at illuminate Skin Therapies can help you.

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